Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wellness Wednesday: National Running Day Edition

Besides it's being Wellness Wednesday, I'm ecstatic about today because it's National Running Day. For us runners it's truly like a holiday! Many of us will celebrate with purchasing gear, registering for races (who doesn't love a great discount), and of course running.

One of the many things I love about running is the community. I've connected with so many people, all different walks of life, and we've bonded over one thing. Sometime last year I connected with Kristen as we both were ambassadors for the St. Michael's Running Festival. She's also a fellow SPA sister, who came up with an awesome interview for us to acknowledge National Running Day!

1. Why do you run? I run for my sanity. Yup that "runner's high" that we brag about is definitely true, and addicting. Trust 2-3 days without a run, and those around me can notice a difference, and it's more than just waking up on the wrong side of the bed.

2. How do you plan to celebrate National Running Day? With a run of course! I'll also probably take advantage of all the great discounts that will be offered today. 

3. How many miles have you run so far this year? 105.84 (didnt start until Mid April)

4. What big events do you have on the race calendar so far this year? I'm planning to tackle my fifth half-marathon R&R Philly and my largest distance ever a 25k!

5. Before I leave for a run I must have: Earrings, lipgloss, and cute running shoes. 

6. Do you have one favorite app to track your runs? I love MapMyRun! It's the first and only run app I've ever used. Plus, as an added bonus when I run with my Garmin my data auto syncs.

7. Who is your favorite running partner? The lovely ladies of BGR! 

8. What races have your run so far this year? Not a huge fan of races; 3-5 a year and I'm good. So far I've run the Brigance Brigade.

9. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about running what would it be? Your pace, your race (or run)!

10. Describe your relationship with running in one word: Growing


  1. I can't wear any jewelry when I run! And earrings always bang on my headphones. First world problems, right?

  2. Hey I'll be at RnR Philly too! I love that quote - so true!

  3. Love the "your pace, your race" thinking! Rings true for healthy living in general; everyone's on their own journey. :)

    1. Thanks for that, I've always only thought of it in terms of running, but you're right it applies to life itself.

  4. Nice! I was very tempted to sign up for a race yesterday but I missed out! I wish I could look cute while I run...I always look a hot mess haha! Very exciting that you're running a 25K, sounds fun! :)
