Monday, November 28, 2016

I Always Skip Mondays!

If you ask any fitness enthusiast about Mondays, I'm sure you'll get Never Miss a Monday! It's like an unspoken golden rule. I get it. So many use the weekends to slack off a bit, and may have a rest day or cheat meal. Notice I said cheat meal and cheat day (we'all day that for another day). So Mondays are used to reset, and get back on track.

Well for me that doesn't work! I almost always skip Mondays. Even when I trained for my five half marathons I would flip my rest days so I could take it easy on Mondays. My days starts at 4:30 am during the week. You add in work, picking up the kids from school, homework, meal prep, leftover laundry that didn't get finished Sunday and a sister is tired. Heck all of that has to count for something. Also, I find Mondays to just be mentally exhausting.

Case in point now. I want to sit back and relax but yeah that never happens. I picked up the kids from school and went straight to the supermarket. Have you ever tried grocery shopping with a 4 and 6 year old? Yeah woo sah. Then there the dog, laundry, dinner, homework, them fighting, etc. I'm pooped and haven't even gotten around to baths and packing lunches yet.

So yeah working out on Mondays just do not fit my lifestyle. Call me lazy. Give me the no excuses lecture, but it just ain't happening. By the time I finally sit down- hopefully 7:30ish I'm going to bed. After all tomorrow is another day!

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