Monday, November 7, 2016

Do YOU Boo!

A few weeks ago I stumbled across this image on social media. Whenever I find something that I can relate to, I save it to my phone. Sometimes I site the source and post it to my personal page. Most times I forget all about it, until I need to clear out some phone space. This one was different. It really resonated with me. 

Then I was having a convo at work about upcoming races. This was slightly after I ran BRF. Those who knew I was running, asked about my race and congratulated me. There were a few people who were shocked. Conversations with two people really rubbed me the wrong way, and I just kept coming back to this message.

Of course it was the comparison to the other runner. Who might I add totally rocked the race. She's a Boston Qualifier and runs a sub 8 min/mile. Then it was "oh wait you did the half? I didn't even know you ran." Another chimed in "OMG you're a marathon runner?!?! I can't believe I didn't know. I won't get into the nitty gritty because all of that is besides the point.

My point is yes I am health conscious.  Yes I do go to the gym, and try to watch what I eat (oh I also got "wow you've been eating a lot of salad lately." ) Yes I am a runner. I'm also overweight (okay obese by some standards). I don't look like a "runner or a yogi." I look like ME. I'm also a working wife and mother of two. I have two degrees in Exercise Science and have been a certified personal trainer for seven years. My journey started in October 2012. I'm not where I want to be, but I'm not where I was either. That's doesn't make me any less of anything. You don't have to fit the ideal prototype to live a healthy lifestyle.

Comparison is the thief of joy. I think now with social media, the comparisons are 100 times worse. Just think of the countless times we look at a friend's page (or a complete stranger) and begin comparing. So what. Everything that appears to be perfect is not. You don't know what someone endured or is currently enduring that got them to this point. Focus on you. Set your own goals. Document your journey. Have fun! Enjoy the process. At the end of the day,  All you have to do is DO YOU BOO! 

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