Friday, October 28, 2016

More than a Number

I get it. We all have been there. The daily weigh-in. It's the most dreaded, rewarding ten seconds of your day. You step on the scale. Say a quick prayer, and then look down. It's staring back at you. Let me guess,  not what you were hoping (or prayer) for. Right?!

Insert the immediate guilt trip. If only you didn't have that piece of cake at the office baby shower yesterday. Oh and Tuesday was hectic with work and picking up the kids from school, so you skipped you workout. There's a million and one should've could've would've racing through your head. All the while that stupid, freaking number won't stop glaring back at you. 

How do I know? Trust me been there done that. For some this is an everyday reality. Others it maybe a weekly check-in. Then there's your current number, goal number, starting number. Excuse me for forgetting the "old me" number  versus society says I should be this number. Bull crap!

F them all. That's what I finally told myself weeks ago. Matter fact it's been months. I said the heck with it. It took sometime, but I have to say I don't miss it. It wasn't intentional. I would normally weigh in every Sunday, and record it in MyFitnessPal. Sometime back in the summer the battery in my scale died. Nine volts are uncommon so I didn't have any in my house. That's about all she wrote.

I'm happier with out it. My focus now is just moving more and eating better. Yeah really that's it. Will it take me forever and a day to get to where I'm comfortable with myself? Probably but who cares.

I'm much more confident without it. I don't miss that feeling of failure. I feel a lighter and that's even with being bloated right now (darn PMS) . My waist feels smaller and pants I brought at the beginning of the year have more room.

It may not work for everyone but right now it's working for ME! Again the best part is the piece of mind. I don't want to be just a number for the rest of my life. I'm so much more. I'm not saying I don't care about it either. It's just at this moment and time I'm focused on something so much more than a number. 

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