Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Meal Prep Fail

I highly admire those that can successfully meal prep days in advance. By now, I'm sure just about everyone has seen the ever so perfect meal prep Monday on every social media account.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks carefully put together and ready to go! 

I for one have not been so lucky. I try and fail, try and fail, then just wing it. I either spend so much time and effort with the planning that I'm exhausted and in the mood for something else. Or my OCD kicks in, and just the thought of leftovers (although I know that's not really the case) truly makes me cringe. 

Also, there's prepping for me versus prepping for my family. As a mother of two preschoolers clearly they aren't going to eat three or fours days of baked chicken or fish. So a lot of the times I found myself having to prep and prepare for two different meals. I tried the whole keeping the main entry/ meat the same, and preparing different sides but fail! That didn't last to long. 

So what exactly do I do (or try to at least)? Lately it's been shopping for the week. 
The frequent trips to the grocery store is sometimes a pain, but I do love only shopping for the items I'll need for the week.

I've also started prepping everyone's lunch the night before. I love the extra time I'm saving in the morning, plus I'm less likely to go out for lunch.
Dinners are hit or miss. I try my best to stick with the menu, I plan at the beginning of the week. Leaving a little bit of flexibility, I cook four days and leave three for carry out/ 30 minute meals.

So yeah I'm probably just over thinking everything, but in my little mind, I'm doing the meal prep thing completely wrong. I guess it's safe to say that no two meal preps have to be exactly the same. Right? 

Do you regularly prep your meals? What tips do you have for successful meal prepping?

Be Well,


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