Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Wellness Wednesday: Upcoming Races

This fall will be three years since my first race, and one of the greatest things I have learned about myself while running is never say NEVER. Who would of thought that I would run a 5k ,10k, a half-marathon? Not me that's for sure. Then add-in me becoming a half fanatic. That's right, yours truly ran three half-marathons in 36 days. Talk about surreal!
October 2012 First 5k

So now that I'm going into my my third full year of running, I'm planning my first race calendar. Here's a list of the races I'm plan on tackling in 2015. 

Zooma Annapolis 10k
First 13.1 May 2013 


Very ambitious if I do say so myself! I'm worn out just looking at, but I'm always up for a challenge. 

My running manta
If you have run any of these races, I would love to hear your review (s). 

Today's post was inspired by the #gowellnessday link-up, which prompted me to share my experience with running.


  1. Wow. 10K? Half marathon? I don't think I can do it. I need to do more practice.
    Good luck!

    1. Of course you can! The body can achieve what the mind will believe.

  2. It has been awhile since I last participated in a run, but I loved it. It was my first (and until now only) 10km event. I loved it. It was its very first edition, but it was a really one. It is called "Dwaars door Dendermonde". Lots of success with your races!!

    1. Certainly a fun way to de-stress! Thanks for the well wishes.

  3. WOW Congrats LaToya and best of luck! You sounds like a pro runner. I haven't do any races at all but maybe one day I will. I just don't like running hahaha. Thank you for linking up with us again this week. Have a fabulous healthy week, friend!
