Sunday, February 22, 2015

Teaching: It Starts at Home

 I'm a working mother of two preschoolers. Many days I'm come home tired (exhausted) and just down right not in the mood to do much of anything. There are two little people who count on me. So aside from dinner, dishes, laundry and whatever other chores I have to do, turning off the television and unplugging devices is a MUST. Why you might ask? I'm a firm believer that education is key. It's something that was instilled in me at a very young age, and now that I'm a mother I enforce some of those same things into my own household.

I'm not an educator or a teacher, but again it's something I highly value, and like most parents I want nothing but the best for my children. Although yesterday was a Saturday (a very snowy one too) and the kids were having a blast running all throughout the house, it was school work time. We have a motto "work hard, play hard" and that's  what time it was. 
I pulled out some supplies and put both kids to work. This is nothing new for us (them). In fact, i make them do something most days of week. Yes even if there preschool teacher sends something home. 

My oldest will be entering kindergarten next fall, so I focus on improving his handwriting and adding (pic above). With my youngest, I'm working on tracing letters and identifying/ drawing shapes. 
I do my best to reinforce activities/ lessons that they are being taught in school. Both my husband and I are both very active in their learning- attending conferences, plays and the likes. 
We use the book above for both kids. It's age appropriate and i purchased from Sams Club. 

So why all of this? I firmly believe that what you instill in children at a young age, they'll carry it with them throughout their life. Also, I cannot fully rely on teachers/ schools to educate my children. 

Are you a mother of young children? What activities do you do with your children that can enhance their learning? 

Be Well,


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