Wednesday, February 25, 2015

My Typical Eat Deets

It's my favorite day of the week, Wellness Wednesday! Today I'm back linking up with some pretty awesome ladies, who like myself have embraced living a healthier lifestyle. For my prompt this week, I've chosen to describe a day of my normal meals.

Amongst the many hats I wear, I am a Fitness Nutrition Specialist (FNS) and will be the first to say that my eating habits are not the best. Nonetheless, here are my typical eat deets!!!

Breakfast: (7:00-7:30am)
  • I start each day with one cup of water. Then it's  oatmeal- my go-to breakfast. Lately it's been Instant Oats with Flax. If that's not on sale I'll buy a similar product from Wild Harvest Organic. Between breakfast and snack time, I'll drink another cup of water.
AM Snack: (9:30-10:00am)
  • My morning snack will usually depend on my mood, and when my last grocery trip was. Most days its a piece of fresh fruit (apple, banana, or orange) or a yogurt. 
Lunch: (12:00-12:30pm)
  • Soup, salad, sandwich. I so frequently pair a salad with a sandwich or a soup and a sandwich, my former staff made a song about how boring and predictable my lunches are. Whether I'm packing from home or making a Panera run it's usually two out of the three. Almost always paired with water. 
PM Snack: (2:00-3:00pm)
  • I have one rule for my afternoon snack, and that's anything 150 calories or less. This one always varies, and is where I get to munch on some of my cravings. Green smoothie, protein shake, ultra thin pretzels, raw veggies w/ ranch, and the 100 calorie snack packs are my faves. 
Dinner: (5:00-6:00pm)
  • Meat, starch and vegetable. That's how I was raised, and its pretty much stuck. One thing that has changed since the new year is if I do want a second helping it MUST be a vegetable. I also try to keep my starch to sweet potatoes and load up on the vegetables. 
90% of the time I log every single thing that I consume into MyFitnessPal. I also record all my cardio activity. Each day I drink about 2 liters (still not enough) of water. Once in awhile around 7-8ish I'll be in the mode for another snack and I try to keep that around the 100-125 calorie mark. My caloric range is typically 1200-1500 Sunday-Friday. Again my eating is far from perfect. Yes, I eat pizza, burgers, and carry out chinese once or twice a week, but most days (gotta love that 80/20 rule) this is it. 

So there you have it, my typical day's worth of eat deets (details) .
Do you break your meals down into 5/6 smaller portions? Drop me a line or two. 

For more on the Wellness Wednesday link up, contact Maureen or Rina.

Be Well,



  1. I break up my meals too. I feel like I get hungry often, and I like to have a little something without feeling guilty :)

    1. Totally agree. Thanks for comment and happy to have connected with you!

  2. LaToya I will say this, when I'm 'right' ;), I break my meals down. It works really well when I do it.

  3. Thanks for sharing your meals with us, LaToya! Your lunch and dinner looks delicious, I get hungry just looking at them. I really need to clean my eating, it's been so all over the place but when I eat on point 6 meals a day similar like you, I was at my fittest. Oh to find that will and drive again...sigh. I am getting there!

    1. You'll get there Maureen. Decide, commit, succeed.
