Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wellness Wednesday: Mommy's Balancing Act

Happy Wellness Wednesday!!!! Long time no post! Okay maybe not that long, but I was just getting into the swing of things of posting at least once a week, and this thing called LIFE got in the way. So here's my little rant.

So I missed last week because I've just been struggling to balance the many hats I wear throughout the day. My husband got a promotion, and now is working 80 hours a week. That leaves me Monday-Friday caring for two preschool-aged children, and maintaining our home. On top of that, I'm still working part-time as Senior Trainer and aiming to get into the best shape of my life. Woo-sah I just got tired reading all of that!

Yes I realize I am not the only wife/mother that has a lot on her plate, but let's face it….it's not exactly a "walk in the park." I can either complain about the lemons I have or make lemonade, and I'll gladly choose the later. My life isn't perfect and I'm okay with that. Somedays are better than others, but at the end of it all I'm just trying to balance everything out. Although often times I'm stressed and sometimes just want to literally pull out my hair, I'm grateful. I'm grateful for my hardworking husband, and his willingness to put his family before anything else. I'm grateful to own our home. I'm grateful to still be able to work within my field with one day being able to manage a gym again. I'm grateful for my health, and I'm grateful for my two children.

I think as mothers and wives we get so caught up in the day-to-day struggles, that we forget how grateful we truly are. Instead of complaining about this or that, and comparing your life to someone else focus on the good and keep it moving. Easier said than done, yeah I get it…..but seriously give it try.

(Family Photo Spring 2013…the kids are bigger and we are smaller lol)

Being physically active (and lots of prayers) is the way I balance it all. I need that adrenaline rush when I'm a few feet away from crossing that finish line. The endorphin release after a tough workout or run. Even the extra deep breath after a relaxing Yoga class. As cliche' as it sounds exercise keeps me sane. When I decided to stop working full-time, I was so gun-ho about exercising regularly because all I wanted was my pre-baby body. Now I could careless. I need exercise to de-stress. Taking care of me is equally as important for me to be around, and take care of everyone else.

If you are a single-mom, stay-at-home (SAHM) mom, new mom, working mom, etc, feel free to share how you balance everything out.

Best of Health,



  1. Being a mom is a tough job and my blog is the first thing to go when I get busy. I used to post almost 5 days a week and now I for sure get 1-2 in! Being a mom is the best job though and it is important to remember to be grateful about the blessings that we have!

  2. I couldn't agree with you more Angie!
