Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I am what I eat.....

Coming off a great convo with a client this morning, I was prompted to write a post. This past weekend, I wrapped up a four-week nutrition program. The program developed by Dr. Ian Smith, is the Super Shread. Over the past few weeks I lost eight pounds, and although, I did not measure inches I can tell the difference in my clothing (mainly in the waist and thigh areas). Yes, ladies no more thunder thighs! While on this program, I also exercised 5-6 days each week. Completing a combination of activities: walking, running, weight training, biking, P90X3, using the elliptical. Physical activity has never been an issue of mine, it's the nutriton thing that has haulted me from returning from to my pre-pregnancy weight/ size. To back track just a bit.....I birthed two children within eightmonths that results in a 65 pound weight gain. When I went in for my last ob appointment days before having my youngest, I tipped the scales in the 190's. Currently, I'm 165. Hitting my target weight range (132-138) has been a struggle to say the least. I can think of a million and one excuses, but at the end of the day I no it all boils down to nutrition (or lack their off). As a fitness professional, I know more than some that you cannot out train a bad diet, but for the past 2. 5 years that hasn't been enough to curtail bad habits. Youth is no longer on myside (well not as much) I can longer eat like a college student nor can my waistline stand to "wining and dining" my husband and I did when we were dating. So, the Super Shred program works for me. It keeps me accountable. Taking it one day at a time, I am working on meal planning and meal prepping. After all, if I want life-long results and habits for me, and my family it starts in the kitchen. Fingers & toes crossed that I can continue to make progress in the right direction....after all I am what I eat (good or bad)

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