Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wellness Wednesday: Trust the Journey

I was scrolling through my Facebook feed, and was inspired by this:

How fitting for Wellness Wednesday. I've been in several journeys lately, so this is just perfect.

As a beiliever one of my prayers is always  His will, His way. There are more than a handful of things that have occurred in my life, that I have not always understood. Some situations I never fully grasp, and others it doesn't make sense until much later. 

One in particular has been with career. I didn't understand why I had so many troubling work related experiences that were beyond my control. Lay-offs, budget cuts, lack of opportunities to name a few. Undergoing this latest situation has been truly humbling. I didn't get it back then, but now I realize it has/will make me a better employee (and person).

My hope is that someone else stumbled across this message, and feels reinspired on whatever journey they maybe 

Be Well,


1 comment:

  1. Great message! I took me a long time but now I just trust the journey! It the long run you will get where you are supposed to, it may just not take the path you thing it should or the most direct path. Enjoy the journey (though it can be hard sometimes)!
